
Dr. Weiming Wu is a Professor at Clarkson University, NY, USA. Dr. Wu earned his Ph.D. 1991年毕业于武汉水利电力大学. 1991-1995年,他在母校担任讲师/副教授, 亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会流体力学研究所研究员, University of Karlsruhe, Germany in 1995-1997, 1997年至2013年在密西西比大学国家计算水文科学与工程中心任教. He taught courses Sediment Transport, 液压, Fluid Mechanics, Computational River Dynamics, and Water Quality Modeling. His research interests include fundamental sediment transport; hydro- and morphodynamics in rivers, 河口, coastal waters and uplands; surge and wave attenuation by vegetation; interaction between surface and subsurface flows; free surface flow and sediment transport modeling; dam/levee breach and flood modeling; and water quality and aquatic ecosystem/ecotoxicology modeling. He has developed a suite of computational models for flow, sediment transport, 河流和沿海水域的污染物运输与水生生态. 他的非均匀输沙能力公式被国际同行推荐为最佳选择之一. 他写了一本名为《esball国际app》的书,由泰勒出版 & Francis, UK in November 2007. 除了, he has published more than 130 articles on journals and conferences, and given a number of lectures, keynotes and short courses in several countries. 2007年,他获得了世界沉积与侵蚀研究协会(WASER)颁发的最佳论文奖。. He is a Fellow of 第3期, and a member of IAHR, CERF and WASER. 2008-2010年,他担任《esball国际平台客户端》副主编, the Chair for 第3期 Computational 液压 Committee (2010-2012), 2009-2012年担任第3期大坝/堤坝溃决任务委员会主席. 他目前担任第3期 Journal of 液压英格ineering的副主编和第3期沉淀法委员会主席.

Education Background

Ph.D. - 1991 Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering
M.S. - 1988 Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering
B.S. - 1986 Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering

Teaching Interests

Sediment Transport; 液压; Fluid Mechanics; Computational River Dynamics; Water Quality Modeling

研究 Interests

Fundamentals of sediment transport; hydro- and morphodynamics in river, 河口, and coastal waters; free surface flow and sediment transport modeling; dam/levee breach and flood modeling; surge and wave attenuation by vegetation; interaction between surface and subsurface flows; water quality and aquatic ecosystem/ecotoxicology modeling

  • 1995-1997年,德国洪堡基金会研究员.
  • 2007年,世界沉积与侵蚀研究协会最佳论文奖.
  • 2013,第十二届国际河流沉积学术研讨会优秀论文奖,京都,日本.
  • 2014, 水利科学与工程国家重点实验室讲师, Tsinghua University, 以表彰他对大坝决口建模学科的持续学术贡献.


Books Published

  • W. Wu (2007). Computational River Dynamics, Taylor & Francis, UK, 494 p.
  • A. 可汗和W. Wu (eds) (2013). 沉积物运输:监测,建模和管理,新星科学出版社,纽约.

Selected Journal Articles Published

  • W. 吴,C. 佩蕾娜J. 史密斯和A. 桑切斯(2017). “Critical shear stress for erosion of sand and mud mixtures.” Journal of Hydraulic 研究, IAHR, published online in May 2017, doi: 10.1080/00221686.2017.1300195.
  • W. 吴和W. Li (2017). “Porosity of bimodal sediment mixture with particle filling.” International Journal of Sediment 研究, Volume 32, Issue 2, June 2017, Pages 253-259, doi: 10.1016/j.ijsrc.2017.03.005.
  • W. 吴和H. Li (2017). “一个简化的基于物理的模型,用于沿海堤防和堤防被漫流和波浪破坏.” 沿海 Engineering, Volume 130, December 2017, Pages 1-13, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.09.007.
  • Q. 钟,W. 吴,年代. 陈,M. 王(2016). “Comparison of simplified physically-based dam breach models.” Natural Hazards, (2016) 84:1385–1418. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2492-9.
  • A. 桑切斯,W. Wu和T. M. 贝克(2016). “沿海水域水流和泥沙运输的深度平均二维模型.” Journal of Ocean Dynamics, (2016) 66:1475–1495. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-016-0994-3.
  • W. 吴和Q. 林(2015). “A 3-D implicit finite-volume model of shallow water flows.” Advances in Water Resources, 83(2015), 263-276, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.06.008.
  • R. Marsooli and W. Wu (2015). 泥沙在活动河床上输运的溃坝水流三维有限体积模型,” Journal of 液压英格ineering, 第3期, 141(1), 04014066, 1–12, DOI: 10.1061 /(第3期)衔接.1943-7900.0000947.
  • R. Marsooli and W. Wu (2014). 基于三维RANS模型的植被波衰减数值研究,” Advances in Water Resources, 74, 245-257. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.09.012.
  • W. 吴和Q. 林(2014). “非破碎波浪和水流下的非均匀沉积物输送,” 沿海 Engineering, 90, 1–11, doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.04.006.
  • W. Wu (2014). “植被水域中波浪浅水流动的三维相位平均模型。,” Ocean Dynamics, 64(7), 1061-1071. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0739-0
  • R. Marsooli and W. Wu (2014). 基于VOF方法的非均匀河床溃坝三维有限体积模型,” Advances in Water Resources, 70, 104–117, DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.04.020.
  • Y. Ozeren D. 鹪鹩和W. Wu (2014). 通过模型和活植被进行波浪衰减的实验研究,” Journal of Waterway, 港口, 沿海, and Ocean Engineering (第3期), 140(5), CID: 04014019, DOI: 10.1061 /(第3期)WW.1943-5460.0000251.
  • W. Wu (2013). “Simplified physically-based model of earthen embankment breaching,” Journal of 液压英格ineering, 第3期, 139(8), 837–851.
  • Q. 林和W. Wu (2013). “明渠中混合粘性和非粘性泥沙运移的一维模型”,J. Hydraulic 研究, 51(4), 506–517, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2013.812046.
  • W. 吴米. 张,Y. D. 雷恩(2013). “利用垂直二维RANS模型分析植被对波浪的影响”,J. 沿海 研究, 29(2), 383–397.
  • W. 吴和R. Marsooli (2012). “一个受刚性植被影响的破碎和非破碎长波的深度平均二维浅水模型,” J. Hydraulic 研究, 50(6), 558–575.
  • W. 吴,R. 马索利和Z. He (2012). 非粘性路堤决口/溃决引起的非定常流动和泥沙输运的深度平均二维模型,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 138(6), 503–516.
  • 第3期/EWRI Task Committee on Dam/Levee Breaching (W. Wu as the Committee Chair and corresponding author) (2011). “Earthen embankment breaching,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 137(12), 1549–1564.
  • A. 桑切斯和W. Wu (2011). “沿海入口和航道的非平衡泥沙输运模型”,J. 沿海 研究, 59(Special Issue), 39–48.
  • W. 吴,一个. Sanchez, and M. 张(2011). “非结构四叉树矩形网格的隐式二维浅水流动模型”,J. 沿海 研究, 59(Special Issue), 15–26.
  • Z. 他,W. 吴、F. D. 小盾牌,. (2009). 大型木结构对美国南部河道形态和鱼类生境适宜性影响的数值分析.S. sandy creek,” J. Ecohydrology, Wiley-Blackwell, 2(August), 370–380.
  • Z. 他,W. 吴,S. S.Y. 王(2009). 考虑土壤侵蚀和吸附的二维表面和三维地下污染物运移模型,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 135(12), 1028–1040.
  • W. 吴和Z. He (2009). 植被对水流输送和输沙能力的影响. J. Sediment 研究, 24(3), 247–259.
  • Z. 他,W. 吴,S. S.Y. 王(2008). “二维地表和三维地下流动的耦合有限体积模型”,J. 水文英格., 第3期, 13(9), 835–845.
  • W. 吴和S. S.Y. 王(2007). “One-dimensional modeling of dam-break flow over movable beds,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 133(1), 48–58.
  • W. 吴米. Altinakar, and S. S.Y. 王(2006). 非定常条件下流沙输移滞后的深度平均分析,“Int. J. Sediment 研究, 21(2), 101–112.
  • W. 吴,F.D. 小盾牌,., S.J. Bennett, and S.S.Y. 王(2005). “A depth-averaged 2-D model for flow, 带河岸植被的弯曲河道泥沙输运与河床地形,” Water Resources Res., 41, W03015, 1–15.
  • W. 吴和S. S.Y. 王(2005). “Empirical-numerical analysis of headcut migration,“Int. J. Sediment 研究, 20(3), 233–243.
  • W. 吴和S. S.Y. 王(2005). “Formulas for sediment porosity and settling velocity,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 132(8), 858–862.
  • W. Wu (2004). 明渠非稳定流动和非均匀泥沙输运的深度平均二维数值模拟,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 130(10), 1013–1024.
  • W. 吴,D. A. 维埃拉和S. S.Y. 王(2004). 水道网非定常流动条件下非均匀泥沙输运的一维数值模型,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 130(9), 914–923.
  • W. 吴和S. S.Y. 王(2004). “Depth-averaged 2-D calculation of tidal flow, salinity and cohesive sediment transport in 河口,“Int. J. Sediment 研究, 19(3), 172–190.
  • W. 吴魏. 罗迪和T. Wenka (2000). “明渠水流和泥沙运移的三维数值模拟”,[J]. 液压英格., 第3期, 126(1), 4–15.
  • W. 吴,年代. S.Y. 王,Y. 贾(2000). “Nonuniform sediment transport in alluvial rivers,” J. Hydraulic 研究, 38(6), 427–434.
  • W. 吴和S. S.Y. 王(1999). “Movable bed roughness in alluvial rivers,” J. 液压英格., 第3期, 125(12), 1309–1312.



Office Phone Number: 315/268-6550

Office Location: 128罗利实验室

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网站: http://adweb.kkorea.net/~wwu/